IoT Broker Docker images

The fastest way to test the IoTBroker is through a docker container. In order to pull the latest docker, do the following:

docker pull fiware/iotbroker

The build process will install the latest release available on (DockerHub)[]. Check all the available versions in the docker hub tags

Summarizing the images are: v (e.g. v6.4): official release of the IoT Broker GEri (without an IoT Discovery implementation). v-standalone (e.g. v6.4-standalone): official release of the IoT Broker GEri integrated with an IoT Discovery implementation. develop: last version of the code at the last commit into the offical Aeron GitHub repository without an IoT Discovery implementation. standalone-dev: last version of the code at the last commit into the offical Aeron GitHub repository together with the last version of the code at the last commit of an IoT Discovery implementation.

Running the image will create a docker container with the IoT Broker running and listening to port 8060 and the log of the IoTBroker will be shown (you may need root permissions):

docker run -p 8060:8060 fiware/iotbroker

If you want to run the IoTBroker docker container in background use the following:

docker run -p 8060:8060 fiware/iotbroker > /dev/null &

In order to configure the IoT Broker, use the following command:

docker run -t -p 8065:8065 -p 8060:8060 fiware/iotbroker -p <iotbroker_key>="<value>" [-p ...]

where iotbroker_key is one of the parameters available in the IoTBroker_Runner/iotbroker.conf.default. Please note that such configurations are runtime properties and they will be forgotten the next time the docker is run.

In case you want to have the standalone component of the IoT Broker GE (IoT Broker GEri + NEConfMan), run the following command (the version might change):

docker run -t -p 8065:8065 -p 8060:8060 -p 5984:5984 fiware/iotbroker:v5.4.3-standalone

Both the IoT Broker GEri and NEConfMan will be accessible respectively at port 8060 and 8065. In addition CouchDB will be exposed to the port 5984.

And for configuraing it:

docker run -t -p 8065:8065 -p 8060:8060 fiware/iotbroker:v5.4.3-standalone -p <iotbroker_key>="<value>" -p <confman_key>="<value>" [-p ...]

where iotbroker_key is one of the parameters available in the IoTBroker_Runner/iotbroker.conf.default and confman_key one of the parameters available in the ConfMan_Runner/confman.conf.default. Please note that such configurations are runtime properties and they will be forgotten the next time the docker is run.

Permanent Storage: CouchDB, PostgreSQL and HSQLDB

In order to handle permanent storage it is necessary to allow the docker image to access the CouchDB server (for the historical agent) and the PostgreSQL (for utility storage) into the docker host (or another machine).

PLEASE NOTE: This configuration will expose postgres and couchdb to everybody, so please take care to fine tuning the configuration for an enhanced security.

Configure PostgreSQL:

Lets change the postgres user password.

sudo su
su postgres
ALTER USER postgres PASSWORD 'postgres'

Then we need to allow the docker image to access the postgreSQL database in the host machine. First we need to check which is are the IP addresses of the virtual network created by the docker daemon:

$> ifconfig 
docker0   Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 02:42:0e:f6:a6:67  
          inet addr: Bcast:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: fe80::42:eff:fef6:a667/64 Scope:Link
          UP BROADCAST MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
          RX packets:157061 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:202369 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 
          RX bytes:10283839 (10.2 MB)  TX bytes:582227340 (582.2 MB)

Then we need to instruct postgreSQL to accept requests from this virtual network:

echo -e 'host\tall\tall\t172.17.0.0/24\ttrust' >> /etc/postgresql/9.5/main/pg_hba.conf
sed -i "s/^port/listen_addresses = '\*'\nport/g" /etc/postgresql/9.5/main/postgresql.conf
service postgresql restart

Configure CouchDB:

Similarly we need to allow docker to access couchdb (CouchDB documentation):

sudo sed -i "s/;bind_address = = 0\.0\.0\.0/g" "/etc/couchdb/local.ini"
sudo service couchdb restart

Configure HSQLDB:

First it is necessarry to copy the HSQLDB directory ( that contains the database files somewhere in the host file system. We assume that it is located under /home/user/SQL_database. At this point we need to mount the HSQLDB folder into the docker container and instruct the IoT Broker in the container to access the mounted folder (with the -p option):

sudo docker run -t \
-v /home/user/SQL_database/:/SQL_database \
fiware/iotbroker:standalone-dev \
-p iotbroker_hsqldbdirectory="//SQL_database//database//linkDB"

After all the databases are correctly configuerd, you can run the docker with the fowlling parameters (or a subset of it, depending on which storage you want to have permanent):

``` sudo docker run -t -p 8065:8065 -p 8060:8060 \ -v /home/user/SQL_database/:/SQL_database \ fiware/iotbroker:standalone-dev \ -p iotbroker_historicalagent="enabled" \ -p iotbroker_embeddedagent_registrydbname="embeddedagentregistry" \ -p iotbroker_embeddedagent_couchdbname="embeddedagenthistorical" \ -p iotbroker_hsqldbdirectory="//SQL_database//database//linkDB" \ -p iotbroker_embeddedagent_couchdbhost="" \ -p confman_couchdbipandport="" \ -p confman_couchdbregistercontextdbname="iotdiscoveryregistrations" \ -p confman_couchdbsubscriptiondbname="iotdiscoverysubscriptions" \ -p confman_postgresurl='//' \ -p confman_postgresdbname="iotdiscoverypostgres"